Ultus, the Man
from the Dead
Also known as Ultus, Manden der kom fra de Døde in Denmark; Ultus in Portugal; Ultus 1: The Townsend Mystery and Ultus 2: The Ambassador’s Diamond in the USA : [Ultus — The Man from the Dead]
(1915) England
B&W : Six reels / 6147 feet
Directed by George Pearson
Cast: Aurele Sydney (Aurelio Sidney) [Ultus], J.L.V. Leigh [Conway Bass], A. Caton Woodville [Sir Gilbert Townsend], Marjorie Dunbar [Lady Townsend], M. Goujet [Eugene Lester]
L. Gaumont and Company [British] production; distributed by L. Gaumont and Company [British]. / Scenario by George Pearson. Cinematography by Emile Lauste. / Released December 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The first Ultus film. The film was released in Denmark as Ultus, Manden der kom fra de Døde on 17 November 1916. The film was released in Portugal as Ultus on 1 January 1918. An incomplete print was recovered in France.
Survival status: Prints exist in the British Film Institute National Archive film archive [incomplete]; and in the Cinémathèque Suisse film archive [incomplete (2000 metres)].
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Listing updated: 16 September 2018.
References: Bardèche-History p. 130; Everson-Detective p. 7; Eyles-Missing p. 19; Perry-British pp. 40, 345 : Website-IMDb; Website-Lost : with additional information provided by Luke McKernan.